Why Aren’t My Sales Tools Working?

All sales teams run into issues with their sales tools. Many sales teams think all they need to do is find a sales tool technology to solve their problems. Simple, right? But, as every sales leader knows, this is not how it works, and the question, “why aren’t my sales tools working?” tends to arise. […]

Marketing for Success


Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, Trendex can create your business custom brand recognition with promotional packaging. Custom marketing kits make a long lasting impression on clients compared to off-the-shelf packaging solutions. In an era of empowered consumerism, the power of customization cannot be denied. Companies must constantly seek new ways to […]

Why Quality is More Valuable than Price

memo sample

It’s a statement you hear frequently: Invest in quality for long term benefits. So, why do few people follow these words of wisdom? Typically, it comes down to price. While designing a sales kit or sample kit, one of the first questions is, “Does it fit into our budget?” If getting the lowest price is […]